How can you have a for-profit business with a not-for-profit purpose?

How do you run a for-profit business with a not-for-profit purpose?

This question is powerful.  In 2020 and 2021 it felt like there was something missing from our real estate team.  We had always given to those in need but we were never deliberate about it.  The end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 was a time of reflection.

In 2021 we formed CREE Cares.  The first step was to give it a name.  The second step was to get our nonprofit approved by the IRS.  Once that was completed we set our financial goals and mission.  Our mission was to bring real estate to ministry and ministry to real estate.  Our financial goal was to give at least $75k in 2022, $125k in 2023 and $250k in 2024.  The primary focus is to assist local organizations that work to directly with kids in need.

If you want to start your own way of giving back, here are the six steps you must take:

  1. Open a checking account.
  2. Transfer a percentage of each commission (or sale) you make into that account.
  3. When serving a client or talking to your database, ask the following question: Who do you know in the community with a random, urgent need we can serve? You’ll be surprised how quickly your inbox fills up with calls that answer this question.

“CREE Cares, we don’t attach our name to any checks.”

  1. Ask this question over and over again. Consistency is key, so keep asking for six to 12 months if you want to grow your referral index.
  2. Set up an eight-question Google form for each urgent need. Think of it as an application for the funds you’ll potentially distribute. Ours is
  3. If the “application” passes, approve the form, and send the funds anonymously. With CREE Cares, we don’t attach our name to any checks. Whenever a form comes across our desk, someone deploys it anonymously and tells the person in need that a faith-based local business wanted to help them.

If you have questions about this process or would like to take a look at our eight-question Google form, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’ll provide you with all the information you need to integrate this type of initiative into your business. I look forward to hearing from you.